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Empirically Supported Treatments in Psychology: Recommendations for Canadian Professional Psychology
Task Force on Empirically Supported Treatments (Section on Clinical Psychology of the Canadian Psychological Association)


Table 1. Criteria for Empirically Supported Treatments

Well-Established Treatments

I. At least two good between group design experiments demonstrating efficacy in one or more of the following ways:

A. Superior (statistically significantly so) to pill or psychological placebo or to another treatment.
B. Equivalent to an already established treatment in experiments with adequate sample sizes.


II. A large series of single case design experiments (n > 9) demonstrating efficacy. These experiments must have:

A. Used good experimental designs and
B. Compared the intervention to another treatment as in IA.


III. Experiments must be conducted with treatment manuals.
IV. Characteristics of the client samples must be clearly specified.
V. Effects must have been demonstrated by at least two different investigators or investigating teams.

Probably Efficacious Treatments

I. Two experiments showing the treatment is superior (statistically significantly so) to a waiting-list control group.


II. One of more experiments meeting the Well-Established Treatment Criteria IA or IB, III, and IV, but not V.


III. A small series of single case design experiments (n > 3) otherwise meeting Well-Established Treatment Criteria II, III, and IV.

Next: Appendix A


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